

0,00 37,83 



Thimble BIK elastika kombinira elastomernu visoku tehnologiju u smislu radnih temperatura, otpornosti na trošenje i plastične deformacije. Kombinirajući BIK naprstak s oprugom, dobit ćete elastičnost privezišta i stupove koji apsorbiraju udarce, a udar na vrhu ležaja pruža potpunu udobnost, a uz to i bez premca sigurnost, budući da je ista veza vezana kao granica i snositi teret priveza. Plava boja. 




Thimble BIK elastic combines elastomer high technology both in terms of operating temperatures, the wear resistance as well as plastic deformation. Combining the thimble BIK with a spring you’ll get a mooring line elasticity and shock absorbing bollards and the shock on top of itself a berth total comfort, and also with an unparalleled safety, as it is the same mooring line to act as limit and to bear the load of the mooring. Color Blue.

Dodatne informacije

Težina 0,1 kg
Dimenzije 80 × 60 × 30 mm

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